Ibra Sururu

Bridging the code and commerce gap.

What I can offer

My experience in Academia, Entrepreneurship and Software Development have prepared me to offer the following:

Web Development

Driven by a passion for crafting engaging web solutions, I've spent the past few years deeply immersing myself in web development. This journey has equipped me with proficiency in diverse technologies like PHP, Python, Vue.js, Neo4j, MySQL, and MariaDB.

Design Thinking and Lean Methodology

I leverage my software development skills to fuel entrepreneurial ventures, consistently applying these methodologies to create impactful projects.


Witnessing the "aha!" moments in a student's eyes fuels my passion for teaching. My journey from Teaching Assistant to private tutor in Computer Science and Scientific Computing allows me to personalize the learning experience, igniting curiosity and guiding students towards mastery.

Projects I have been part of

My Academia, Entrepreneurship and Software Development journey has given me the opportunity to part of interesting projects such as:

Leafsoft Grades

Leafsoft Grades is a student management system which allows schools to have a central store of student personal information, track academic progress and store attendance records.


RINAIBRA was a Maintenance Communication System(MCS) which allows tenants to report maintenance issues so that maintenance administrators can coordinate their repair.

Bootcamp Zeno

hackthedegree is a new Coding Bootcamp that is looking to upskill graduates, and link them with global remote work opportunities.

Some of the major technologies I have worked with

My experience in Academia, Entrepreneurship and Software Development have exposed me to various technologies.

Some of my Accolades

My Academia, Entrepreneurship and Software Development journey has attracted various accolades, awarding effort, excellence and innovation.

Academic Award

At Stellenbosch University, my dedication to excellence in Scientific Computing and Computer Science was rewarded with an impressive 83.44% average. This achievement earned me membership in the Golden Key International Honour Society.

Founded in 1977, the Golden Key recognizes top academic performers like myself, acknowledging students within the top 15% of their class.

Graduate Award

Companies that sponsor Gradstar are amongst the top employers in South Africa who are looking to get access to the best graduate talent from South African universities, as well as create opportunities for the identified talent.

In 2020, my dedication to student leadership at Stellenbosch University combined with my academic aptitude earned me a coveted spot in the Gradstar Top 500. This recognition unlocks exclusive access to exciting career prospects with some of South Africa's most prestigious employers.

Entrepreneurship Award

The Stellenbosch Network is a cross-sector and inter-disciplinary membership organisation that brings people together - from industry, government, society, and academia.

Every month the Stellenbosch Network features an inspiring local entrepreneur or an innovative start-up making waves. For our work on RINAIBRA, my co-founder and I were awarded the Stellenbosch Network's Entrepreneur of the Month in April 2021.